Monday, March 16, 2009

A Ladies Man In the Making

So, here is the real deal. I went on a parent/student educational retreat with my youngest, who is now 6. I was educated alright. I didn't know I was going to have to run interference. My little guy has four little girls with crushes on him. I almost had to stop a fight. They all wanted to sit next to him. Absolutely adorable. Until....

He is 6 and has girls chasing him already??? OMG! Okay, shook that off.

The retreat was quite interesting, besides the tiny tot antics. There was lectures and seminars that help with at home education, which in turn will help them out in school. There was one lecture that the children were included in on. For the love of Pete, I have no idea why they would expect little ones to sit through an hour lecture. But during this lovely time. One little girl got in trouble by her mama. Yep, my son was involved. He was sitting and reading and the next thing you know, he was being kissed. I thought the girls mother was going to pass out.

I was personally too busy laughing to be of any assistance. The rest of the day, they walked around holding hands and hugging. Thankfully, no more kisses.

My little man said, "Mom, I didn't kiss her. She kissed me."

I responded with, "Did you like it?"

He looked up at me, giggled and said, "No."

A "Yeah, right." went flying through my head. I know better. But, that is something I can wait a long time for him to admit.


soccer mom in denial said...

Oh honey, I'm dealing with same stuff.

Nice to know though that he didn't initiate the kissing!

Real Life Drama Queen said...

They are so cute though.