Thursday, April 19, 2007

Sisters and Friends

Do you ever have people around you that sometimes just drive you completely crazy? I swear if they weren't important in my life I would toss them on their ears. Stupid crap upon even more stupid crap. Personally I go to work to make money and to avoid at home drama. But these crazy women can't even leave me alone there.

I am waiting on tables, thoroughly busy and basically getting my ass kicked. At a table my cell phone rings.

My friend and babysitter, "Hey woman. I need you to find someone else to babysit tonight. I want to go out."

I am thinking, thanks for the hours notice, but reply "Let me see what I can do."

I proceed to ask my sister if she would be willing and she says she will. I think, "Wow, easy drama for once." I should have known better. My sister and my friend are at odds with each other at the moment, because they thought tattling on me to my Dad was a good thing. HA, I am 35 years old tattletale away. I don't care. They did however lose a great deal of my trust. In the end it pitted them against each other and now I have to listen to stories of. .. Well Karla said this.... yeah well Brandy said that. I just don't give a shit.

I do now, they brought it in front of my son and to my work. I do not need phone calls, in the middle of running circles about, Karol won't let me use the phone and she hung up on my mom.

Apparently it wasn't enough for me to try and call them to settle the matter. NO, they almost get into a fistfight in front of my four year old. If they had, I would have kicked both of their asses and been left standing there saying, "Who's the biatch now?" There are just some things you don't do in front of children. Fighting to the point of violence is definitely one of them.

Crazy ass women is what I have to say. You get a roomful of men together and at the end of the night with some drinks in them, they are still fine and dandy. Not fighting about, "Well Cliff said I looked fat in my shirt. He is one to talk. Have you seen him in is jeans. I think he needs to lose some of that ass."

Men just don't do that, but get a roomful of women together. You don't even need alcohol and one of them will be pissed at two or more of them by the end of the night. Women are emotional creatures, since I am one, I get that. But they can also be the most conniving bitches. Rodney Kings statement, "Can't we all just get along?" will never apply to a group of women.

I played mediator and set them straight. Forbid them to even talk to each other and said if you fight like that in front of my son again, you don't want to know what I will do to you. And these are women in their twenties. Just goes to show you that it is not only men that don't grow up. They buy expensive toys, we start drama.

1 comment:

Vixen said...

Hells bells woman, your life is no joke!