Saturday, July 14, 2007

Thing Number 2 Explained

My Oldest Above, with his ex.

I skipped Thing Number 1 because I believe it is pretty self explanatory. Since some of you expressed an interest in a larger detail, I decided to accommodate.

My oldest is 20. He is my cousin that I adopted. His birth mother is a real piece of work or shit, depends on how you look at it. She dumped him on the streets one day and disappeared. We saw her three times after that. When she showed up for three out of twelve allotted visitations. He is my son now and forever will be. He calls me Mom and doesn't care to speak of the so called low life that gave him birth. He is definitely unique. A Goth child as some call the kids today. Be that as it may, he has his head screwed on straight. Holds a job and has a girlfriend. I did have some rough times with him, but thankfully he finally grew up mentally as well as physically.

My middle child is 14. He is from my marriage. I was married for nine years to the man I went to the prom with. He has ADHD, is super smart, super messy but super lovable. He is also very protective of his younger brother.

My youngest is 4. He has a different dad. His sperm donor is a man that I knew for six years. When I told him I was pregnant, he disappeared. He has never seen his son. I hope he never does. I also hope he rots in hell for being such a dead beat. My youngest deserves better. And he has it. He has me.

That is the basics for thing number 2.


Jenn in Holland said...

Yes! I love the strong attitude and the willingness you have to take it all on and take it all in.
Thanks for some extra explaining!

Anonymous said...

Your child will internalize your own anger. Let it go.

Vixen said...

Sperm I think that's even a kinder label than what I would call him.

Real Life Drama Queen said...

anon.. Just because I dislike his sperm donor doesn't mean my son will take on my anger. I was explaining. It is not something I focus my life upon. My children and their happiness is my main focus.

Jean-Luc Picard said...

As you saw in my TWQ, I saw a Goth girl on my cruise. She had her head on straight as well.

Fourier Analyst said...

Thanks for the explain. Now on to Thing #3(you've peaked my curiosity)! Love the Drama! Some great stories, even though you may not realize it. It's sometimes hard to appreciate it when you are in the middle of it. Strength and blessings to you dear!

Real Life Drama Queen said...

Thank you Jean-luc. An open mind is always a wonderful thing.

Fourier.. Don't worry.. I am going to explain that one soon. I promise.

soccer mom in denial said...

RLDQ - You are so not angry. You are observant, loveable, kind (jesus christ you took in a kid when you were HOW OLD?) and funny, funny, funnnnnn-ny!

And to Anon - I find it particularly sad when people don't stand behind their comments. Why not tell us who you are? RLDQ is a damn good mama. Don't agree? Then don't read or visit her anymore.

Ms. Queen - I got your back.

soccer mom in denial said...

Go check my blog. Got something for you.